Our services.

  • Property Management

    We offer full end-to-end residential Property Management services for both unfurnished and fully equipped premises.

  • National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS)

    We have extensive experience managing rental properties under the National Rental Affordability Scheme.

  • Private Landlord Assist

    Are you self-managing your property but still need some assistance every now and then? We offer a select range of services to Landlords who require periodical assistance.

  • Sales


    We offer sales services to all of our investors, past and present. Whether it’s time to sell your investment or you personally want a sea change, we can assist.

Service Area.

We cover over 2,000 square kilometres of the Perth Metropolitan area and Peel region. Generally our boundary area extends:

  • Coastal: Yanchep (North) to Dawesville (South)

  • Inland: Bullsbrook (North-East) to Byford (South-East), including Swan View & Kalamunda