NRAS Property Management.

Walters & Co Realty can assist you with the management of an investment property that is leased under the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS).

At present, we manage properties under the compliance management of Questus and AMC. Should your compliance management be with another provider, we will gladly reach out to them.

We offer our full End-to-End Property Management services to NRAS investors, which includes some of the below milestones.

  • 1. Marketing

    If your property is vacant, your journey starts with marketing. This involves:

    • Arranging professional photography and producing a video tour to accompany your advert

    • Writing your advertisement to highlight the features of your property, publishing to popular portals such as

    • Conducting public and/or ‘by appointment’ home opens to allow prospective tenants to determine if your property is right for them

    • Processing applications from prospective tenants

  • 2. Leasing

    At this stage you have some applications to choose from. The next steps we’ll assist you with are:

    • Selecting an application to proceed with

    • Completing NRAS eligibility checks and submitting forms/evidence to your compliance team

    • Preparing a lease agreement, taking into consideration any special requests by the tenant (that you have approved) and any special conditions that need to be imposed on the contract

    • Collect a bond and lodge with the Bond Administrator

    • Produce a Property Condition Report (and Inventory Report if required) in preparation for your new tenant moving in

  • 3. Handover

    This is the exciting part for you and your new tenant. From here we will:

    • Meet your tenant at the property to hand over the keys to their new home

    • Sign a key receipt as a record of all access devices that have been provided

    • Conduct a walk through and answer any questions your tenant may have about the house - including how to operate alarms, reticulation and other important items

  • 4. Daily Management

    Now that you have a tenant, our daily routine activities commence. This includes:

    • Collecting rent and any other funds due to you from your tenant (eg. water consumption)

    • Conducting routine inspections of the property (maximum of 4 per year) to check on general wear & tear, required maintenance and whether the property is being cared for appropriately

    • Negotiate lease variations and renewals when required

  • 5. Maintenance

    It’s a fact of life that all things deteriorate over time and houses are no exception! To reduce the impact of this we will:

    • Assess your property for a range of preventative maintenance actions

    • Check for required maintenance during routine inspections

    • Encourage your tenants to contact us when maintenance is required

    • Arrange repairs as required and in accordance with your instructions

    • Assist you with renovations

  • 6. Vacating

    We’ve reached the end of your tenancy. There are some activities that we’ll complete before we start the cycle again, including:

    • Providing appropriate information to your tenant to assist them with a smooth transition between homes

    • Conduct a final bond inspection using the Property Condition Report

    • Work with your tenant if there are any items requiring remedy and ensure the property is ready for marketing

    • Finalise any funds due to you and disburse of the bond

  • 7. NRAS Compliance

    If your tenant would like to renew their lease beyond the first 12 months, we will conduct the necessary NRAS eligibility checks. This involves working with your compliance team to ensure all paperwork and evidence is supplied.