Property Management.

At Walters & Co Realty we offer a full End-to-End Property Management service.
Read on to see some of what is involved at each milestone.

  • 1. Marketing

    If your property is vacant, your journey starts with marketing. This involves:

    • Arranging professional photography and producing a video tour to accompany your advert

    • Writing your advertisement to highlight the features of your property, publishing to popular portals such as

    • Conducting public and/or ‘by appointment’ home opens to allow prospective tenants to determine if your property is right for them

    • Processing applications from prospective tenants

  • 2. Leasing

    At this stage you have some applications to choose from. The next steps we’ll assist you with are:

    • Selecting an application to proceed with

    • Preparing a lease agreement, taking into consideration any special requests by the tenant (that you have approved) and any special conditions that need to be imposed on the contract

    • Collect a bond and lodge with the Bond Administrator

    • Produce a Property Condition Report (and Inventory Report if required) in preparation for your new tenant moving in

  • 3. Handover

    This is the exciting part for you and your new tenant. From here we will:

    • Meet your tenant at the property to hand over the keys to their new home

    • Sign a key receipt as a record of all access devices that have been provided

    • Conduct a walk through and answer any questions your tenant may have about the house - including how to operate alarms, reticulation and other important items

  • 4. Daily Management

    Now that you have a tenant, our daily routine activities commence. This includes:

    • Collecting rent and any other funds due to you from your tenant (eg. water consumption)

    • Conducting routine inspections of the property (maximum of 4 per year) to check on general wear & tear, required maintenance and whether the property is being cared for appropriately

    • Negotiate lease variations and renewals when required

  • 5. Maintenance

    It’s a fact of life that all things deteriorate over time and houses are no exception! To reduce the impact of this we will:

    • Assess your property for a range of preventative maintenance actions

    • Check for required maintenance during routine inspections

    • Encourage your tenants to contact us when maintenance is required

    • Arrange repairs as required and in accordance with your instructions

    • Assist you with renovations

  • 6. Vacating

    We’ve reached the end of your tenancy. There are some activities that we’ll complete before we start the cycle again, including:

    • Providing appropriate information to your tenant to assist them with a smooth transition between homes

    • Conduct a final bond inspection using the Property Condition Report

    • Work with your tenant if there are any items requiring remedy and ensure the property is ready for marketing

    • Finalise any funds due to you and disburse of the bond